Ownership and encumbrance report (O&E) means information identifying the last recorded owner, legal description, and recorded deed of trust or mortgage of a particular real property address available from the public records. An ownership and encumbrance report does not include additional information, including but not limited to, judgments, tax liens or encumbrances other than a deed of trust or mortgage |
These are simplified non-insurance title reports designed for informational purposes to aid in closings of equity and home improvement loans. This search is also widely used by Investors and Homeowners to check open liens and Judgments against the property.
The property report is a limited search of public records and reflects:
- Current owner of the property
- How the property was conveyed to the current owner
- Open mortgages
- Liens and judgments
- Tax information
- Legal description
is also known as the following:
- Property Report
- Current Owner Search
- Title Report / Title Search
- O&E Report
This will show the assessed value of the land and buildings. Taxes are based on the assessed value, not the market value. Market value is what the property is currently valued at.
This is how ownership is acquired. Grantees are the present owners of record and Grantors are the people that the Grantees acquired the property from.
CONVEYS: How they acquired in real estate (Warranty Deed, Quit Claim Deed, etc.)
DATED: Date the Deed was signed.
RECORDED: Date the Deed was recorded in the Courthouse records.
VOL/PG: Book and Page where the Deed is recorded.
CONSIDERATION: Amount paid for the transfer of the property.
Mortgage Record
Reflects all open mortgage liens held on the property, in date order, dated, recorded, and Vol/Pg
AMOUNT: Total amount of money borrowed.
NOTE: Assignments of mortgages are transfers of mortgages from one beneficiary to another.
Liens against the party/parties in question which may affect the property in question. Tax Records – Taxes owed on the property (real estate only) by the party/parties in question. This can be city, county, water and sewage taxes.
Legal Description
Vested Title Holder
404 W. Superior
St., Suite 200 |
Duluth, MN 55802 |
Phone: (218) 727-1176 | staff@nationaltitleduluth.com
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